25 + The Big Book of Ancient Classics : The Odyssey by Homer, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, The Republic by Plato, Poetics by Aristotle and others


Aristotle | Aeschylus | Marcus Aurelius | Euripides | Hesiod | - Homer | – Plato | Sappho | Sophocles

Edité par Toutapprendre / Andrii Ponomarenko

We live in an era rife with cultural conflict. The 21st century is by no means free of wars, terrorism, riots, famine, nor epidemics. We may attempt to solve the challenges of our times by uniting the humanistic disciplines of philosophy, science, and technology. Our modern reality requires a fundamental understanding of the problems beleaguering our existence. Science and literature are key tools for gaining this insight. The wisdom accumulated throughout the centuries by scientists, philosophers, and writers is a solid foundation on which modern man can build the future. Our ability to learn from those who have come before is precisely what led Protagoras to declare that “Man is the measure of all things.”Contents:Poetics by AristotleThe Athenian Constitution by AristotleOn Life and Death by AristotleAgamemnon by AeschylusThe Eumenides by AeschylusThe Choephori by AeschylusMeditations by Marcus AureliusMedea by EuripidesThe Works and Days by HesiodThe Theogony by HesiodThe Shield of Heracles by HesiodThe Odyssey by HomerThe Apology of Socrates by PlatoCharmides by PlatoCrito by PlatoEuthyphro by PlatoIon by PlatoLaches by PlatoLysis by PlatoMenexenus by PlatoThe Republic by PlatoThe Allegory of the Cave by PlatoSymposium by PlatoMeno by PlatoPhaedo by PlatoCritias by PlatoThe Complete Poems by SapphoAntigone by Sophocles


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